Sunday, 18 January 2009

Coming together - nearly there ...

Working the outer circles in chain stitch on the sampler gives me a more solid idea of what the final design will resemble and gives me the chance to make additional changes. To date, I decided to enlarge the smaller circles within the centre of the wheel. Indicated here in red. The middle of the outer dots will be left open to allow the fabric to show through and my sense of balance suggests that the first "wheel" should be heavier, perhaps somewhere between four and six rows thicker than it currently is.

The threads protruding from the unfinished circles is the thread that I will need to complete two more rows -- outlining them during the day lets me work on them with ease at night with no eye strain. (You can't really do this with an ongoing project that you travel with or don't store carefully but as an overnight or couple of days lapse in between work cycles it helps.)

In this scan I have not ironed the silk when I've completed the white circles and it's high time that I do! Ironing is your friend.

Once I've done the above adjustments to the motif, I'll be able to make a sound decision on whether to add small Isosceles triangles to the centre of the points and the motif will be ready to work up on the patka.

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